Selasa, 13 September 2016




We remember that living in this world is only moment, temporary and not eternal, and in a certain moment we will leave it. I don't know how many years we take e rest in grave to wait fordomsday arrive. So today when human gets justice from Allah the almighty and most worthy of praise is divided into two :

1. Happy people, this group is someone who realizes life goal in the world, doesn't act to mess as we want and behave good according to religion rules.

2. Misfortune group namely group who don't follow religion rule in the world, always obey the desire and priority the world interest more then hereafter interest.

This time we live in the world is related with concerning world because we need eat, drink, house anf  vehicle and entertainments to relax our muscles. All of that are parts of human life. Actually, religion does not aim to prohibit those but to guide them to be better and happy.

Eating, drinking, human is not forbidden even religion here limits if we eat and drink not to exceed the measurement because it can demage humant healthy.

Prophet decreed :
It's meaning : " Eat, drink, make a dress and give something to another but don't ever do and behave arrogant " (  HR. Abu Dawud )

And also desire problem. Religion will not prohibit it but canalizes its desire anywhere it wants. Prophet-may Allah blesses him and gives him peace, decreed :
It's meaning : " Hi boys, if someone among you who can get married because the mentioned things can save over the sight and take care genital" ( Mutafaqun 'Alaih )

Human being who doesn't want to get merried with some reasons to keep on worshiping toward Allah more perfected is not observed by religion. Formerly, there are friends coming to prophet's house may Allah bless him and give him peace to ask about Prophet's worship. And after getting explanation from his wife, one of them intends to be single his whole life.

Their goal is using his whole life to worship toward Allah. But they are accosted by Prophet may Allah bless him and give him peace, " I am the only best Allah's servant, but I still fast and have breakfast, I also get merried and I'm not single. And someone who hates my Sunnah so he will no be my group"

In the other cases of the world like loving towards decoration, good house andluxurious vehicle etc.
also are not forbidden by Allah the almighty and most worty of praise, And about this problem, Allah has reminded in one verses : ( QS Al A'raf : 31 - 32 )
" O.. children of Adam!! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer ; eat and drink. But waste not by excess, for God loves not the wasters. Say ; Who has forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of God, which He has produced for his servant, and the things, clean and pure, ( which He has providead ) for sustenance ? Say : They are, in the life of this wotld, for those believe, and purely for them on the Day of Judgment. Thus do We explain the Signs in detail for those who understand."

From mentioned verse above that decoration in that world is created by Allah the almighty and most worthy of price for human being even less Moslems. And the decoration will be only given by Allah to Muslims.

To get this goal we are not permitted to do messy. We may eat except goods that have been forbidden, we may drink except drunk, and we may build the house except using money from the other right.

What a beautiful Islam is, but majorities Muslims less realize and consider that religion has stopped progressing. How many Muslims admitted Muslims but still like to eat dog, pig meat and drink druunk.

We should remember that religion is demoted by Allah not for Allah, but for ourselves. In Hadits Qudsi. Allah the almighty and most worthy of prise said whose meaning, "Oh my servants ! If you and all evils are afraid to me so My power will not increase because of you. And also you and all evils oppose me so My power will not decrease because of you."

Therefore, we must ensure that we need religion. And only religion will invite all of us to achieve happiness in the world and hereafter. Every religion command must be adhered and obeyed, because that can evoke benefit and useful for ourselves. On the other side, every religion must be left and avoided because that can bring misery and problem for us ourselves.

May what we submitted be able to be useful for us especially and readers generally.

Thanks a lot

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